Ngā Waka Federation

Te Ika Roa a Māui, 'Māori Art Meets America' 2005, San Francisco Bay

Ngā Waka Federation


Ngā Waka Federation aspires to be the principle national forum for all matters relating to kaupapa waka.


Ngā Waka Federation was established in 1990/91 to retain and preserve the traditions and construction practices associated with kaupapa waka and nurture its development as a living art.


The work of Ngā Waka Federation embraces the traditions and innovations of kaupapa waka and establishes clear policies that guide traditional and contemporary waka practises.


Ngā Waka Federation includes ceremonial waka leaders working in the regions and networking for national and international projects.


Ngā Waka Federation
Chair: Robert Gabel
Committee: Joe Conrad, Tai Mamaku, Rutene Gabel​